Trivial pursuits

It's a language, of sorts.

Trivial pursuits

I’m a trivia fan.

Friend of mine calls them “crap facts”.

They’re also a fan.

Not everyone is.

That’s meant a lot of awkward moments at parties when, in the interest of keeping the conversation going, or connecting with people, I shared some crap fact that was at least tangentially connected to the topic under discussion.

Yes, I use words like “tangentially” unironically so you know when I got picked for kickball.

I’d argue that I know these things because they’re important pieces of information.

That other people should know them, too.

And by sharing them with the world I’m making it a more enlightened place.

That’s not what’s happening.

I’m trying to learn your language.

Find a way to communicate.



Of course I’m going to share with you that Wichita, Kansas is the “Air Capital of the World” thanks to its connection to brands like Cessna and Beechcraft.

That’s my neurodiversity in full effect.

Everyone does it, just you neurotypicals do it differently, rubbing your antennae together while the rest of us NDs stand one the edges of the nest waving our antennae in the hopes someone picks up on the frequency.

We all want to be seen.


Nothing trivial about that.