Thermostat? Or Thermometer?
Pick one.
Watching Jon Bernthal interview his brother. Bernthal’s always been an interesting guy to me. Beyond the roles he’s played in TV, movies, he’s just one of these interesting people that seems connected to who he is.
His brother’s even more accomplished, but this isn’t about fanboying the Bernthals. It’s something Dr. Nick said, because yes, Jon Bernthal’s brother is a doctor. An elite one. And he had this to say about temperature.
Be a thermostat, not a thermometer.
Don’t read the room, set the atmosphere in the room. Define your day, don’t let it define you. Choose, don’t guess.
Sometimes we drift, because paddling anymore just isn’t cutting it. But while life’s currents will lead as they will, we can choose where they send us.
Those days when I tell myself that today is an amazing day because I’ve said so, it’s true that I end up repeating that. A lot. Minute by minute some days.
But if I just react to the day, let it dictate my meaning, well, then I’m guessing.
I’m a thermometer.
And I need to be a thermostat.