Stealing air
and letting that go
Met my doppelganger yesterday.
Maybe a year younger.
Nearly identical career paths.
At the same company.
He’s where he is.
And I’m where I’m at.
Which, is not where I thought I’d be.
Took the wind out of my sails a bit.
“A bit” falling under that broad category of “pathological understatement”.
Not his fault.
He’s just another boat, crossing through my wind.
Sailing his own path.
I made choices that got me here.
Now I’m making other ones.
Someone whose input I value deeply reminded me that “comparison is the thief of joy”.
It’s attributed to Teddy Roosevelt.
What I like about that quote is that it’s not their fault I feel inadequate.
He’s just living his life.
But I held myself up to his accomplishments, and found myself lacking.
That’s on me.
And so is choosing to look again at my own course.
Find the horizon again.
More sailing, less worrying about the other boats.