Someone to save me
One of those man in a mirror moments.
Nearly two and a half years ago, I decided to step off the hamster wheel.
Write a book.
Reasonable, if risky, proposition, I thought.
That is, if I had built up some momentum.
I had, but didn’t sustain it.
Wrote a few things that got published in places.
But I liked it. And I’m good at it.
Wasn’t like I had another job I’d turned down.
The project I was working on came to an end.
I went home.
And stared at a screen for a few months.
Typed some words into a novel I’ve been scribbling for over 10 years.
It’s not that complex, I just get in my own way.
A lot.
Start to think about whether this too shall fail.
Because most things I’ve done have failed.
More accurately, never went anywhere.
Self-sabotage is the best sabotage.
What if I fail?
Or half ass it.
That way you’ll know why it didn’t work.
It’s about control.
Working through some of that.
Because in the dark, when I ask myself, what it is I like and I’m good at?
It comes down to writing.
Bringing something into the light.
And it feels like it’s all I have left.
Since I haven’t been good at much else.
Call this a last stand.
Time to save myself.
Stop looking at the wall, and turn around.
Because there’s a better question.
What if it works?
Might be fun to find out.