Of course AI is smarter

Not that high a bar.

We’re worried, rightly, that AI will replace us.

That we’ve created a species smarter than us.


We’re the ones that came up with Ted Cruz.

JoJo Siwa.

Kid Rock, who’s alt right now, apparently?

AI won’t be the smartest species.

Just the one that’s smarter than us.

Think about that the next time:

  • You can’t get napkins out of the dispenser because some kid put too many in there and you’re turning napkins into hamster bedding material on your way out of the Chipotle
  • Dad tells you colloidal silver will cure cancer and bring on the Rapture
  • Uncle Mike tells you he “did his own research” and pulls up YouTube videos “proving” the earth is flat

Of course AI’s going to be smarter.

It’s not a high bar.