Now that's weird
We know it when we see it.
Hard to define, but like Justice Stewart and pornography, we know it when we see it.
It’s a line the Democrats have latched on to with Vance and Trump, since “plan to end democracy” isn’t as catchy as just calling them weird.
And given that the GOP presidential ticket is busy comparing their wives to their Democratic opponent and laughing like they read about it in a “How To Human” manual, it’s an easy judgment to make.
Does it make me laugh?
Of course: the sheer absurdity of a party that’s latched onto the fripperies of culture war as key planks in their platform amuses me no end.
Does it bum me out that this is what The Discourse has devolved to, when neither side can articulate its plans in meaningful ways so everyone resorts to memes and name calling?
Yes, yes it does.
Still, we live in a world where people are using crucified Minions to convince others to follow Jesus so, yeah.
Sometimes people are just weird.