Legal Loopholes

Jumping through the hoops.

Legal Loopholes

The next president could order Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival with impunity.

That’s the takeaway from yesterday’s Supreme Court 6-3 decision that former presidents have immunity from their official acts while in office.

The pearl clutching and the cork popping has commenced, depending on which said of the aisle is corrupt at a level you’re comfortable with, as the morality playlet begins that follows everything in our bid to be first to the front with our performative outrage.

What’s notable is how arguments like this are framed depending on party.

When either side wins, it’s a win for freedom.

When they lose, it seems to break down thus:

  • On the right, freedom is at stake
  • On the left, humanity is imperiled

Because the Democrats continue to position themselves as the party of all that is good and right about the world.

The Republicans would be seen as the champion of American values.

Neither of them can define those positions clearly.

Much of their energy is spent pointing out how at least they’re not THAT guy.

And since they can’t define who they are, but rather who they’re not, they will all continue to govern on loopholes, not foundations.