Just keep raking

Even if it's raining

Just keep raking

I’ve rediscovered TikTok.

Don’t expect my influencing to bloom.


Along with most of the world, I too am scrolling through videos of people feeding raccoons, politicians making points, and cats losing their minds.

And then there’s the raking guy.

I don’t think he’s a content creator.

Just some guy.

With a rake.

Facing a clogged drain.

It’s raining, he knows there’s a drain under the water somewhere.

Water that’s currently covering a sidewalk.

First few strokes, nothing happens.

Same with the following strokes.

Until finally, he clears whatever was clogging it.

Water rushes away.

Sidewalk: usable again.

When the plan isn’t going as planned, sometimes all we can do?

Is rake.

There’s a drain under there somewhere.