
The revolution needs better bullet points.


“I am everything liberals hate.”

The distillation of the political divide continues, this time via a bumper sticker in the rear window of a pickup truck that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a Stephen King novel.

I meant that ironically when I started writing this.

But he’s more right (pun intended) than wrong.

As a conservative, he’s going to be focused on what’s wrong.

Easier to hate than love.

Punch than embrace.

He assumes that the left is the same.

That they hate him for who he is.

Because the further left you go, the harder you have to work at it. As a liberal, you’re obliged to have positions on everything, from:

  1. what Democrats are doing about the migrant problem to
  2. how to handle crumbling infrastructure or
  3. how to respond to Gaza and while we’re at it,
  4. let’s talk about disparity of wages in women’s professional sports and
  5. whether trans athlete should be allowed to compete as the gender they identify with, and yes that’s a trick question because what have you done for nonbinary athletes lately.

And if you’re on the right, all those are easy:

  1. Migrants bad
  2. Israel foreva!
  3. Take the bridges back from China
  4. Women play sports?
  5. Two genders

Missing from both?


Take migration, for example.

  • Left: welcome, everyone!
  • Right: shut it down!

Neither is workable.

Talking points are never good policy.