Congressman opens heavenly probe

Someone's been touched by an "angel".

Congressman Eric Burlison (R-MO) believes that quality time means killing things with his kids and thinks it’s possible that UFOs are angels, and given what usually happens when aliens and humans interact, likely Hulu’s going to pass on Burlie’s reboot script for Touched by an Angel.

Probably unfair of me to judge the congressman on his website, or his appearance on a podcast, because it’s possible that he’s a thoughtful guy ready to have a nuanced conversation about Critical Race Theory.


Oh my.

Just in time for election season, get your own Pyro-15 for a cool $1,200.

He’s up for re-election this year, so you do you, Missouri.

As a recovering evangelical, it hurts my head and my heart to see a belief system I don’t quite understand anymore being hijacked to make a point about unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP), and using the Bible to do it.

Don’t get me wrong, the Bible starts and ends in some weird places, but I’d like to think that when the angel appeared to Mary to tell her she was going to have a divine rape baby, that said angel looked more like us and less like something from a 50s sci-fi comic book.