Hi There!

I'm Dan.

I have a few notes.

I've been a few things: a teacher, a soldier, a corporate shill, and most recently an idealist with a mortgage.

Me a minute ago doing boring things in odd places with interesting people.

I’m far enough on the spectrum that it complicates my life but not so far that I’m getting calls for the Rain Man reboot. Which means that first impression is usually that I'm an anti-social asshole. Not wrong, but also not the full picture.

I've been writing for a while, but most of that's been emails. Now, if I wrote it, it’s going to end up here. And if you like what you're reading here, sign up below to get my notes in your inbox. There's a blog, some essays, fiction. And if you like it a lot, let me know: my love language is money. Also nice notes, too. I don't mind those, either.